Coming soon to a nightmare near you…When I Was Ten by Fiona Cummins

Dramatically opens in 1997, a 12 year old girl runs for her life, away from the carnage she has just had to witness when she is struck by lightening….nearby her two friends Shannon aged 12 and Sara aged 10 are covered in blood, their parents lie dead brutality slaughtered….but which one of these children is a murderer…

The book moves back and to between life now for these 3 girls, and life then, the build up that night. The dark way it’s written builds the atmosphere. Deliciously horrific, disturbing, distressing enough that sometimes it’s hard to read what happened to these little girls….

This book makes your spine turn to ice, suddenly it twists and nothing makes sense anymore.

It’s full of beautiful phrases “she did not need to hear her father speak to know that Dr Carter was home. The house trembled with it..his presence altered the fabric of the atmosphere, curdled it…”

A thrilling read