Linghams bookshop has a long history on the Wirral and is a real asset to the local community. Mike and I were looking for something fun that would offer something essential to the community. Linghams became available and as they say, ‘the rest is history’…

I’m originally from Heswall, so it was an easy decision to up sticks from the Isle of Wight; (Mike had kidnapped me for a couple of years), and come back home. Mike is originally from Cambridge and always had a dream of running a book shop-cum-record store. We can now combine our great love of books and welcome customers new and old.


Linghams booksellers shopfront

What Linghams has to offer

What Linghams has to offer

We stock a wide range of books with many titles on display.

If there is a title you would like to order we can generally get customer orders within 24 hours, it’s not unusual for a book to be ordered at 4:30pm and be available by 10am the next morning. Books can be ordered over the phone or online.

If you want advice on your selection then please just ask; we all have our particular favourites and an extensive knowledge of wide range of books or genres, we even know what may be coming in the near future…

We also sell:

  • A wide range of children’s titles
  • Young Adult titles
  • A range of educational guides
  • Exciting toys, games & puzzles
  • Beautiful greetings cards & stationery
  • And a unique selection of quality gifts

We’ve also created a real buzz around the Wirral with our fantastic ‘Author Events’ and ‘School Events’; where you get the opportunity to meet your book heroes and maybe get a signed copy and photo.

Everyone is welcome!

Meet The Team

Sue & Mike

The Owners

Sue and Mike moved from the Isle of Wight to take over as owners of Linghams. Sue is originally from the Wirral and still has family and friends in the area. Both are avid readers and are very excited to be taking over this iconic shop.



Becky started her 33-year long bookselling career as a fresh-faced youngster straight from college at Chapter One in West Kirby, and annoyingly still looks the same! She later became manager at Linghams’ West Kirby branch, before moving to our store in Heswall. When she isn’t helping customers on the shopfloor, she can often be found hidden behind mountains of paperwork in her office where she is a clerical genius. She has always brought huge enthusiasm and fresh ideas to our shop, and can only be described as a ‘whirling dervish’! 



Art, Craft, Stationery, Gardening and Children’s Toys

Carole is our greetings card and wrapping paper buyer and has a fantastic eye for spotting unusual and attractive designs which can’t be found anywhere else. She also stocks our children’s toy area as well as running the art/craft/DIY section where we try to keep a tight rein on her to prevent her from spending the entire shop’s profits on ordering beautiful glossy books- but so far to no avail. Put us out of our agony and come and buy them!


All things fiction

Kerry also came from the West Kirby shop and is an expert in general fiction! She has read pretty much everything and hosts our Adult Book Club sessions. If you need a book recommendation, seek out Kerry. , 


School Events Organiser

Our lovely Lisa organises all of our fabulous school events. From Frank Cottrell-Boyce to Hannah Gold, these events are always a crowd pleaser. If you work at a local school and want to host an event, Lisa is your girl.


Assistant Manager

Jane has worked as an Indie bookseller since 2003, and was delighted to have the opportunity to join Linghams in 2016.  She hosts our Adult and Children’s book clubs and also oversees our artistic and literary children’s workshop programmes during the school holidays. One of her favourite tasks is choosing and sending out the monthly Letterbox Linghams subscriptions to our younger readers. 

Lily- staff member at Linghams


Young/New adult Section and Marketing

Lily has transformed our YA section and created and curated the very popular New Adult section. Lily is more than the average bookseller, super-knowledgeable about many genres and a tech whizz to boot! And she is very funny too!